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Children's Ministry


     Learning the Word of God starts early at JC 1st UMC. We believe that children are our future, and they should learn how God interacts with them. This begins with care in the nursery and continues into adulthood. The Children’s Ministry is geared for small children to fifth grade.

​     The Children’s Ministry includes a dedicated time during each service for

children, where they learn the specific lesson in their own way.

     Jessica Grebner, Children’s Ministry Director, ensures the lessons are based on Scripture and fun for all involved. The children are then invited to participate in a special time away from the sanctuary, known locally as JAM (Jesus And Me) Time, where they explore and connect to the Bible through creative lessons and


     JC 1st UMC hosts Vacation Bible School each year where children from within the community are invited to participate and learn about God, Jesus and the Bible through interactive lessons. The week-long, half-day program culminates in the showcase of songs, dancing and lesson sharing that next Sunday with a VBS program. In 2024, the VBS students raised more than $450 dollars to support Operation Kid-to-Kid in their mission of supplying clean drinking water for communities in Honduras. This resulted in not one, not two, but four pies being squished into the faces of VBS staff as a token of appreciation for their efforts.

     We are excited about children at JC 1st UMC, we look forward to welcoming you and your children to our church on Sunday mornings.

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