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Take care not to do your good works before men, to be seen by them; or you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. When then you give money to the poor, do not make a noise about it, as the false-hearted men do in the Synagogues and in the streets, so that they may have glory from men. Truly, I say to you, They have their reward. But when you give money, let not your left hand see what your right hand does: So that your giving may be in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will give you your reward.

Matthew 6:1-4

2024 Pledge Cards are now available!

Your continued support is what allows us to "Spread the good news of Jesus Christ" to fellow members and the greater Junction City and Geary County area through stewardship, ministries and outreach programs. Forms are available in the October Newsletter and at the Church Office.

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Without the generous gifts of our members, the ministries would not be able to accomplish our spiritual goals or maintain our facilities. Your donation and tithing are used inside and far beyond the walls of our sanctuary.


Sign up to become an usher, greeter or speaker in the parlor. Work with our youth by sharing God's message during children's time or help our youth program Sunday evenings. Your time will be rewarded with smiles, hugs and more!


We are always looking for volunteers during the service. Sign-up lists are located in the Parlor.


As we all know, money is a powerful thing.  It's hard-won and can put useful items or nourishment in the hands of those who need it, or provide for people as they do important work.  As a spiritual act, it can be a show of dedication and thankfulness.  To make donations and tithing easier we accept many methods of giving and encourage those giving it to be active in its use. All methods are safe and secure!

  1. A QR Code is included in the bulletin each week.

  2. Text-to-give: Enter our number: 913-795-7658 and text the amount of your gift. You will receive an emailed receipt.

  3. Download the free "Give+ Mobile" app and follow the prompts to make either a one-time gift or recurring gifts. All donations will receive an emailed receipt.


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