Music Ministry
"Make a joyful noise ..."
The music ministry at JC 1st United Methodist Church is a vital part of the fabric woven in worship each week. God has blessed our congregation with the music and lots of talent. The chancel choir directed by Melinda Martin is a loyal and fun group. We share anthems nine months of the year beginning in September. Choir anthems are planned according to the scriptures and theme of the day.
During the summer months, special music is shared by members of our congregation or guests from the community. It has been a pleasure for members of our congregation to share their talents with us for special music, and we’ve enjoyed many friends from the community that share.
Another facet of the music ministry is the Joyful Noise Handbell Choir. Our church is fortunate to have four octaves of Handbells. We have members enough to play three of them! This choir also shares its talent nine months of the year.
Mini handbells round out music that is shared with our congregation. The bells are color-coded and easily played by matching the color of the bells with the color specified on music cards that go along with the accompaniment. It has been fun for the congregation to share in playing!
Children's Choir
Beginning in the fall of 2023, JC 1st UMC expanded their musical offerings to include elementary age children to young adult. This group meets Wednesday evenings at 4 p.m. in the Bobo Room, lower level of the Education Building, for fun and musical worship. They learn to sing God's praises, dance and have fun all while learning new songs. A snack and drink are provided for the children who attend. Join us and shout out to the Lord!